Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Take Ten Minutes to Breathe

Life has a funny way of hitting you over the head with a message. It seems like every time I have an event for my book. Women in Overdrive, something extremely stressful has happened. It's almost as if the universe is saying "ha! Let's see if you can follow your own advice now, Miss Know It All!

I can't go into every instance, but two stand out in my mind: Heading for a 6:30 reading, I was stuck in downtown traffic—at 6:30! The second example happened before book party: The carton of books I was meant to sell had some major mix-up at FedEx and never arrived, despite the fact that I had made two trips to South San Francisco to try to pick them up (Each person claimed they were at the other station!)

So I'm trying to take my own advice, and stay calm in these situations. Despite the stresses, it's been wonderful to see
how many people want to talk about overdrive. During the past few weeks, at reading and workshops, whenever I say this women start nodding their heads dramatically: "We want to have it all, live life to the fullest. But the one thing that falls by the wayside is time for rest and relaxation." So just for today, try to carve out ten minutes with no TV, no computer, no book. As one of my teachers always says, We are human BEings, not human DOings!

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