Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What I Do

Lately, a lot of people have been asking me about what I do. So here's a little explanation:

As a writer, I help people articulate their message clearly and succinctly. This happens across many different genres: I write marketing materials like newsletters, welcome packages, case studies, bios, and brochures. I ghostwrite books and articles. I pen content for websites and blogs. I write grants for non-profits.

As an editor, I work closely with clients to make their written materials flow more smoothly and become accessible to a wider audience. I edit written materials like executive summaries, manuals, books, dissertations, articles, and websites.

As a writing coach, I help people identify their blocks and clear the way for clarity and creativity.

It's easy to work on so many types of projects because they all involve the same skill sets: Gathering large amounts of information and condensing it into something interesting. Interviewing people to discover their voice, and then writing accordingly. Really listening to understand what people want to say. And telling a story in a compelling way.

Many people feel blocked and anxious about writing. They procrastinate, make excuses, and then rush to finish it, often sloppily. The bottom line is that most people would rather be doing something else. And that's where I come in.

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